ArticlesReviews | Steak au Poivre ScoringReviewers > Steak au Poivre > Reviews > Argentina > Lomo

Lomo 15/30

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Meat quality
Meat preparation


Costa Rica 4661
Palermo Viejo
Buenos Aires
Tel: 4833.3200  

Argentina is known for its steak, and the best part, the filet, is called lomo. So when a restaurant in Buenos Aires calls itself Lomo, it is a bold statement indeed. In fact, it’s so bold they need a security guard outside the door. But we managed to slip past the guard into the “trendy, hip, and upscale” house of steak to test it out.

The first thing we noticed were the prices, about double the standard. If prices are a signal, then combined with the name and the guard we were assured a satisfying meal. But suddenly there was a dilemma: of the three lomos on the menu, one came with potatoes, one with pepper, and one with neither. We clearly had to split up, so my friend went with the pepper, and I went with the potatoes.

After starting an extremely gamey paté surrounded by bacon, I was ready to dive into my “Lomo a la Lomo.” The presentation was good, but the results were disappointing. The meat was solid, but not exceptional. We had both ordered our steak rare, and while my friend’s was cooked well, mine was only rare in the middle, so I took an extra point off for unevenness. Whereas my lomo had delicious mushrooms and scalloped potatoes as sides, my friend’s was covered in pepper. With no sauce to smooth the flavor of the pepper, it completely overwhelmed the taste of the steak.

If you do find yourself at Lomo, order the Lomo a la Lomo, but better yet, go somewhere that’s uncool with better steak at half the price.

Submitted by DO Jr.
October 26, 2005


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